Wednesday 12 October 2016

Mind Mapping and Dyslexia

When I was younger, completing homework was a challenge for me, I just didn't seem to understand what needed to be done, no matter how much the teacher explained the task I could never comprehend what was being said. Many years later I found out I was Dyslexic, was I surprised....? not at all, I new I had many traits but put it down to me being Epileptic.

When I decided to go back to studying I new the only way I was going to complete anything, I needed to make it creative and some how exciting, a technique that would keep me focused.

Then I got introduced to Mind Mapping........

A mind map is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts. It is a visual thinking tool that helps structuring information, helping you to better analyse, comprehend, synthesis, recall and generate new ideas. Just as in every great idea, its power lies in its simplicity.
For a dyslexic person, it helps to brainstorm and put our ideas on to paper (or on the computer).

The great thing about mind maps, is that you can write your idea's down or picture phrase them (meaning to draw your ideas down). This gives me the flexibility to choose weather to write or draw depending on my creativity at the time. It helps to break the subject or topic down into small bites, making it easier to write long pieces of work and complete it.

I have spoken to many people who are dyslexic or have other learning challenges, and found mind mapping a very good tool.

I know mind mapping is not for everyone, but if you are dyslexic and thinking of other ways to maybe complete your work, why not try it, give it a go......

Oh my, must dash, left the dinner on........ 

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